Posts tagged poverty
Using Our Past To Brighten Their Future

A true educator never really retires.  A true educator continues to be unsettled by the evidence all around us that there is much work yet to be done.  The playing field for students labeled “at-risk” is still extremely uneven for numerous reasons. Now that I have retired from the “system,” I am free to be more strategic in my purpose and passion for lifting up our youth in the same spirit that others embraced and invested in me--a young girl from the projects.  If we truly believe that our children are our future, then we should also believe that our lives become more meaningful when we commit some portion of our talents, gifts and wisdom to their benefit. We all have something to share. This has become my “Why”—the thing that drives me to make every moment a teachable moment.  The inner voice that reminds me there is always something new to learn and pass on to someone else.  

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