Posts tagged featured
Why Us? Why Now? Why here?

Our habitual dependence on, and fixation about money in American life-practices and society is increasing in strength. People of color are drinking the poisoned well water to their own, and our collective spiritual detriment.

When people of color tell our own stories, each story bestows this common remembrance: The driven aims and ventures encouraged by and for the benefit of those who have held power and who work at funding “progress” at the expense of all else in mind, will continue to fail at an unprecedented rate of acceleration. The fallen privileged will turn to us and ask for wisdom and guidance that we will have been positioned over many centuries of struggle to offer. And I think that, my dear family, is poetic equity, stability, growth, and justice, indeed. Just claiming it so feels healthy to me, just as my sharing with you holds out an opportunity for transformative healing for all of us, haves and have nots alike.

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