Organize Problem Solve

I have searched for work since January 2012. A month later I got job screened for computer programming work at the local electric utility. The job screener invited me to attend a rally opposing a rate increase proposal before the city council. The job screener also invited me to share my rate increase opposition sentiments publicly at the rally in front of the building where I might find work. I consented to do so and we ended the phone call. Then I realized my free speech conflict with greater private property.

I needed a pseudonym to use at the rally to disassociate my resume from my rally comments. I prepared the following rhyme:
last name blacque , first name crisis
sudden unemployment set me free to write this
tossed from corporate washroom sweets
found my ears to the ground of a hard gritty street

suited once on high, felt me brave
my protected free speech storied me a slave yo
i listened clear to hear dem ol’ sacred beats
….. tellin’ my stories in black rhythm feats

understanding all the problems my help solved
it was me, not the systems, we forced to evolve so
last name blacque , first name crisis
fairly represents a journey to right this

‘B’ – ‘L’ – ‘A’ – ‘C’ – ‘Q’ – ‘U’ – ‘E’ –
lets me tell how to spell black as i feel
a simple 8 letters with 7 you can see
the invisible ‘N’ on the end just tickles mad me

when i say blacque , you say crisis
black, …………..
black, …………..
black, …………..

My self-diagnosed present traumatic slave disorder (PTSD) needed a name. My PTSD, jc blacque , founded a problem solving firm proposing solutions to humanity’s biggest challenges and computer problems.
I had written my most complex computer programming solution without a computer. This solution ran without any more alterations, the second time we tested it. My most complex computer programming solution integrated seven different computer programming languages, three of which were new to me. I had delivered working solutions without fail for eleven prior employers including IBM, Oracle, EDS, KPMG, and Northrup Grumman. Then in 2008, working on a Lockheed Martin contract, our US Air Force’s data warehousing issues found solutions by my computer problem solving skills and experience. Testing ran larger and larger live data sets through my solution until test results proved they needed another computer with greater data throughput capacities.

In late February 2010, I landed at Homeland Security (DHS) on a data architecture team working on critical infrastructure and payed again by CACI. CACI had given me Defense Department clearance with pay just before my Lockheed Martin work. I liked moving from problem to problem for the difference of computer skill sets engaged. DHS would develop my written English technical analysis skills because our security cleared data architect team working in scif (sensitive compartmented information facility) offices would never directly access the data they hired us to marshal. Did we have trust issues for our team? Despite my formal praise, raise and promotion to enterprise architect, by December 2011 irony had robbed my good nightly rest. Could informing concerned officials restore my good nightly rest? I mailed the letter to DHS’ inspector general, agency chief, and congressional oversight committee chairs in the House and Senate on December 22 and got my sleep back by Christmas 2011. No one ever responded and I had more in person interviews by May 2012 than I had the prior quarter century of work.

My problem solving consulting firm’s mission provides solutions to raise the least of us. My firm’s $500 per hour fee supports our company wide flat pay of $450 per hour for all coworkers. We first address Earth’s biggest problems like white supremacy, capitalism, and climate change to earn consideration as the world’s greatest problem solvers. My work experience shows tackling the biggest problem(s) first discovers solutions for many smaller problems too. For instance, white supremacy rendered capitalism’s first capital. American capitalism brought us to our climate crisis. Which of those three problems would you first seek solutions?
Raising the least of us pursues a commonwealth enrichment goal, enabling transparent means and methods like Gandhi’s Satyagraha truth experiments.

My firm’s core principles commit workers to always engage three recursive games to raise the least of us. We call them ‘games’ to invite children to play.
1 – I relentlessly pursue excellence in all I do
2 – I respect each person exactly as I self-respect
3 – I always act bravely for others and humbly for myself

I have played the first two games for at least two score. I discovered the third game since 2012. No one definitively wins recursive games, while no one can ever get too good at playing them all the time. Recursion makes all three games fun to play. I only comment on the play of others when asked or required. Otherwise, I fix my focus on improving my play. American slavery’s survivors must have kept their focus on their row of cotton when loved ones were violated nearby.

Truly great nations protect their most vulnerable citizens best and first. My firm’s mission raises the least of us so all actions should serve the mission. Why would police arrest these actions? What do eavesdroppers observe of my communications? Police arrest human diminution not human uplift. I used my data and systems analysis experiences to discover solutions often hiding in plain sight. Effective data analysts find hidden data patterns.

Truly great nations protect their most vulnerable citizens best and first
— Barry Jones

I love learning and working. The endless job search leaves me decidedly far more relational rather than transactional as required for corporate or plantation life. Over a lifetime, a transactional approach never balances accounts. My life experience reflects a journey through a universe of balancing opposites, where the relationship between opposites always exist and relationships gets best nourished by giving. My African Heritage Study tour of Ancient Egypt in 1988 exposed me to Ma’at relationship principles of truth, justice, order, righteousness, and reciprocity, principles governing all relationships. For instance, in computing a bit is either on or off; or I see only two power exertions consuming my energy, either holding down or lifting up. Since we all share 99.9% duplicate DNA then holding down defies logic, wastes my energy, weakens my immune system, and wets hope’s fire. Put another way in light of our shared DNA, since I seek long life for myself then all my habits need to support your long life too. My habits define all my relationships. By Gandhian truth experiments, I research solutions all the time. I completely control all of my habits.

What habit changes improve my white supremacy relationship? Which habits help maintain white supremacy? One habit maintains my powerlessness to change white supremacy. Another habit believes white supremacy can only change slowly, over hyper-extended time frames.

Regarding powerlessness and our shared DNA, for example, I no longer call people ‘white’ and instead say ‘white looking’. Who is white? I surely do not know. White supremacy made up the white supremacy game, despite our shared DNA. White looking people made up the white supremacy game so only white looking people can assign whiteness. White supremacy labeled me ‘nigger’, Latin for ‘negro’. Additionally, white supremacy functions in total compliance to EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) making no whiteness requirement to practice white supremacy and no non-whiteness requirement to suffer from white supremacy. Apparently, anyone can practice white supremacy on anyone else. I want to put white supremacy in the EEO Hall of Fame. A shorthand definition of white supremacy, ‘human diminution’, derives from white supremacy’s three support pillars – lies, killing, and hierarchy.

Regarding white supremacy power’s hyper-extended slow fade disregards internet power as well as white supremacy’s origins. Originally, the KKK identified as a Christian organization. Catholic power grew in Europe after Constantine’s Nice Conference convened in 325 AD. Constantine’s Nice Conference produced human history’s first enforced monogamy which began to subdue female power in Europe. Mansa Musa’s Hajj to Mecca in 1324 AD from West Africa disrupted every economy he touched for centuries, North and South of his West to East Hajj across North Africa’s Saharan desert. The multi generation slave family units Mansa Musa gave away were widely regarded as the best most skilled slaves on Earth before Musa’s conversion to Islam. The first mass import of African slaves into Europe via Portugal followed in 1440 to 1442. Thomas Jefferson earned white supremacy Hall of Fame status for fathering America’s slave breeding industry sourced from Virginia and Maryland. Virginia and Maryland added $50 to a master’s net worth for every slave birthed on their plantations. Washington DC became the USA’s slave trade capital before the Civil War. Jefferson’s Virginia plantation notes sourced most post Reconstruction stereotypes appearing in the pseudo-scientific eugenics movement. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826.

The more I learned about global and American slavery, the more comfortable I grew working in corporate America. Plantation politics and corporate politics looked just alike except I got paid. I learned to count on being underestimated. I learned I could out work all obstacles, win unanimous client acclaim and still get laid-off. Slaves never got laid off. I learned slave work gave America global power, now receding. More slavery and white supremacy study might inspire an immediate non-violent white supremacy revolution development initiated by changing white supremacy support habits. White supremacy habits locate white supremacy’s main warfare theatre between my ears. How does white supremacy let me feel? What do I think about it? What can I do to confront it? What can I do to feel better about white supremacy? I felt powerless in the white supremacy game. So I tinker with my white supremacy habits.

Computer problem solvers barely notice correctly functioning programs. The malfunction first draws my attention to a program. Once noticed, I restart the program paying closer attention watchful for other malfunction. If this run fails to reveal the problem by closer observation, then thereafter I only restart the program after changing something to uncover the problem(s). I do not stack diagnostic changes if the initial diagnostic changes do not expose the problem. I first restore the original code for my first wrong guesses before I make other diagnostic changes.

I have studied white supremacy for over three decades, since it did not make sense to me at first. Our shared DNA makes most, very nearly all, human diminution suicidal. Habit tinkering linked me to struggles far greater than my job search. The larger focus lifts my spirits. How does white supremacy win in excess of 95% of the time? How do lies, killing, and hierarchy make suicidal white supremacy the global rule? I want to live to see my kids get old and retire. White supremacy enables capitalism. We have not vaccinated the globe against COVID because capitalists have not agreed on who can reap COVID vaccine profits. Individuals support capitalist profit indecision by not always wearing masks. I took almost every chance to boost my immune system for two decades before COVID. I got my second vaccine in May 2021 and I wear my mask at home to communicate to anyone who sees me that I value your life as I value my own. I will get a booster shot before Christmas too.

Advertising problem solving skills should offer sample solutions for white supremacy. If you can name a bigger challenge to Earthly life then you should stop reading this here.

Washington DC’s Neely Fuller Jr most usefully organized his white supremacy system observations, noting three support pillars negatively affecting nine areas of people activity. The three support pillars concern my interiority, or my habits. Exterior people activity areas include economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war where I can only control my response to white supremacy’s context. Mr. Fuller brought his eighth grade South Carolina public school education to Washington DC in the 1950s, secured work as a security guard at the Federal Bureau of Engraving and made white supremacy notes. Mr. Fuller met Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing and a few of her fellow Howard University Medical School professors in Ben’s Chili Bowl at a meeting convened to better understand FBI Director J Edgar Hoover’s COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program). With activists like Stokely Carmichael, Julian Bond, and Marion Barry in attendance, Mr. Fuller first spoke up saying “white supremacy is a global power system designed to avert white genetic annihilation”. Dr. Cress-Welsing taught psychiatry at Howard’s med school and wanted to know who said that, asking him to repeat it. After the meeting adjourned Dr. Cress-Welsing, a third generation physician hailing from Chicago, and her med school professor colleagues wanted to peruse Mr. Fuller’s white supremacy notes. Later the professors started reading through Mr. Fuller’s two boxes of white supremacy notebooks and all agreed Mr. Fuller’s notes should get published immediately. Their DC meeting produced two books laying the foundation for all of my DC white supremacy research.

Mr. Fuller self-published his notes just as he organized them, in a book entitled “The United Independent Code System Concept” subtitled “Workbook of Thought, Speech, and Action for Victims of White Supremacy”. My habit tinkering idea comes from Mr. Fuller’s work. Both Mr. Fuller and Dr. Cress-Welsing have numerous Youtube videos. Dr. Cress-Welsing passed on January 2, 2016 asserting Trump would succeed Obama. Howard fired Dr. Cress-Welsing after she published her first work inspired by Mr. Fuller’s notes. Later, Dr. Cress-Welsing published her white supremacy essays in a book entitled “The Isis Papers”. Both books pass my Ma’at measures completely.

The sample solution presented here, advance from a little more information of white supremacy support pillars’ interiority. Lies (421) produce four important outcomes for white supremacy:
1 – confusion as to what/who/why/when/where/how it really happened
2 – sows mistrust among parties of vast common interests for shared DNA
3 – paves oppression’s victory road for any divide-and-rule strategy
4 – attacks memory
Lies (421) come by two delivery methods:
1 – commission
2 – omission (secrets lie)

Fear of the potential response to truth source all lies (421). Killing produces resistance to change and learning. Hierarchies distort natural relationships to maintain white supremacy’s determinate power. Schools only teach hierarchical organization as though it’s the only or best (most intelligent) way to organize. The Ten Commandments address lies and killing, but not hierarchy. Flat organizing provides one prodigiously productive solution to white supremacy. How can my unemployment better serve humanity?
My firm operates by a simple flat organizing plan pursuing a commonwealth enrichment goal, playing the three games previously delineated with one rule always applied. Flat organizing defeats COINTELPRO operators, the reason Mr. Fuller and Dr. Cress-Welsing first met. Commonwealth enrichment pursuits only comfort transparency where all can/should know anyone’s contributions towards the commonwealth goal.
As long as resistance organizes hierarchically like the plantation/corporations organized to rob our labor and genius, then capitalism/white supremacy has no expiration date. I got the flat organizing idea from the Occupy Movement’s 2011 message, “…all hierarchy is false…”. Later I learned of the flatly organized Mondragon Cooperatives (since 1950s) in Spain and the Emilia-Romagna Cooperatives (since 1850s) in Italy. Both regions boast full employment and both emerged from the 2008 global financial collapse as the most economically stable regions in those countries. The one rule helps manage flat limited size groups of 150 people or less.

A full active 150 member group should have a co-leadership council of 10 to 12 members. The one rule only applies in full body meetings and only during considerations of co-leadership council membership changes. For instance, when I hear my name in meeting talk considering co-leadership council membership changes, only then I say nothing more until after all votes get cast, ending that meeting’s topic. If I talk before all votes get cast then I cannot serve on the co-leadership council until on another day the full body reconvenes and revisits the co-leadership council’s membership. The rule saves meeting time while guiding organizers to learn to speak up for others and supports the development of selfless courage.

If MLK, Malcolm X, and Fred Hampton organized flatly, instead of hierarchically as they were, may have survived to pass from natural causes. Flat limited-size groups better protect their most effective leaders, because I do not need to serve on the co-leadership council to contribute. Our shared DNA indicates we all have MLK, Dorothy Day, and Harriet Tubman genes, only hierarchical structures prevent their development. I learn the most from failure. All hierarchical structures I worked in required prior permission to risk failure, making me risk averse. I witnessed many in hierarchies, given decision choices, chose to better protect their position in the hierarchy. Flatly organized I feel encouraged to engage my own truth experiments, as I do now, to discover more ways to raise the least of us. I learned to fashion my truth experiments to derive binary choices of either uplift or repression. The most effective flat leaders discover actions that lift the greatest number from the lowest depths. So I greet all with 100% positivity, hopefully radiating out only what I want reflected back upon me. The image of climbing the corporate ladder smacks of repressive actions where one pushes down to lift themselves up. Transparency makes flat organizations cost more to corrupt where hierarchical organizations invite cheap corruption for hierarchies’ single channels of communication and single points of failure. More contrasts might inspire more flat organizing.

Hierarchical is male where flat is female. Hierarchical is classical music where flat welcomes jazz’s improvisational errors. Hierarchical is unaccountably autocratic where flat is transparently democratic. Hierarchical best builds private wealth where flat best enriches our commonwealth. Hierarchical best manages war where flat better manages peace and improves my listening. Hierarchical works top down and flat works bottom up. Hierarchical scales in size without redundancy where flat scales in size with built-in redundancy. Flat organizations can develop from within hierarchies as well as unorganized spaces by playing three games to pursue commonwealth enrichment and applying one rule.

Let’s get organized!

Barry Jones